Expand your export business globally with Columdae's help. Our experts connect you with worldwide clients and distributors, guiding you through international markets. Avoid common mistakes and find hidden opportunities.
COLUMDAE is now an Export Finland (Finpro www.finpro.fi) evaluated consultant in Denmark. Finnish companies interested in our services in the Danish market may benefit from getting funding. For more information, please contact us at copenhagen (at)columdae(dot)com
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions: export@columdae.com.
Pharmatory from Oulu, Finland, a human and veterinary pharma company offers a comprehensive range of chemistry services and solutions.
We were happy to develop new key customers in North America and Southern Europe for this company.
Zanardi Fonderie S.p.A from Minerbe, Italy, is one of the best known spheroidal graphite iron foundries in Italy.
Columdae found new clients for this company in Scandinavia, Germany, as well as in North America.
Aluform from Bernsdorf, Germany, is a leading producer of sustainable roofing and facade system solutions made from aluminium.
Columdae found them new key strategic partners in the Baltic countries.
Riso Gallo from Robbio, Italy, is one of the largest rice mills in Europe, one of the oldest Italian rice companies, and a well-known company in the food industry in the entire world.
We were happy to find new key partners for the company in Scandinavian markets.